The Upgrade For Your Concert Hall Acoustics

Achieve fantastic acoustic improvements without completely refurbishing your hall

The »acoustic shaping« (»akustische Formung«) method opens a whole new chapter in the influence of electro acoustics on room acoustics for classical music. Tonmeister Gernot von Schultzendorff has put the wealth of experience he has acquired over many years with Deutsche Grammophon into developing an innovative new approach to acoustics which can also improve and embellish the acoustics of your concert hall. The method is equally suitable for concerts in opera houses and theatre halls. A version for opera performances is currently under development. The quality of the recording sound is also improved significantly.

The impulse response of a hall to the sound of an orchestra is enriched by the kind of unique components which make famous auditoria so special. This is an important factor in bringing musical interpretations more vividly to life and making concerts themselves more attractive for the public.

Compared with other methods acoustic shaping works in a quite different way acoustically and employs remarkably economic technology to achieve extraordinary and unprecedented improvements in sound. In particular, the technique produces an extraordinarily natural sound. is delighted to offer demonstrations of acoustic shaping with no obligation.


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Acoustic Shaping - Reflections and Diffusivity


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